Alumni Association
Bye Laws
1.Name of the Association
“Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology Alumni Association” (VCETAA)
2.Registered Office
Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology, M.P. Patelguda, Ibrahimpatnam, Ranga Reddy Dist- 501510, Telangana State, India
3.Aims and Objectives/ Nature of Work of the Association
Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology Alumni Association(VCETAA) which will be governed by registered byelaws. It is a non-profit Association with a sole aim of providing a platform for Alumni to come together and support the Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology (VCET) in building the Institution of world class. The spirit of the Association is to galvanize the alumni by rejuvenating the memories of their association with the VCET, and interacting on continuous basis with the other alumnus, students and the faculty[ both administration, and teaching staff ].
“Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology Alumni Association” (VCETAA)herein after referred as Association. The Association works with the staff, students, and management of VCET.
- Provide a platform for the alumni to connect with each other for the exchange of information, ideas, communicate their accomplishments, interests, and concerns, etc.
- Foster alumni pride and enhance the reputation of the College.
- Enrich the emotional bondage amongst the Students, Alumni and Faculty.
- Extend maximum help to the College in the placements and internships of students in reputed organizations.
- Recognize Alumni for their significant contributions to education.
- Propose and execute special projects: Infrastructure, technical projects, seminars, conferences, etc.
- Adoption of poor/ economically backward students by floating scholarships, etc.
- Institute awards for meritorious students.
- Institute awards for the Alumni for their contribution to the College and the Society.
- Inspire and invoke the spirit of innovation among the students leading to finding technical solutionsto the problems of the society, leading to Intellectual Property Rights(IPR).
4. Territory in which the Association shall work: All over the world
5. Membership and Category of Members
5.1 Permanent Members
5.1.1 Former Students of Visvesvaraya College of Engineering and Technology who are enrolled by registration for life membership.
5.1.2 Associate Members
All the past and present Faculty members of VCET (Permanent/ ratified by JNTUH ), who are not alumni of VCET would automatically be an Associate Member. They do not have voting rights and cannot contest for any EC position. However, they have to register for membership of the Association.
5.2 Honorary Member
Honorary Membership will be given to the person as an honor for the distinguished services
contributed to the society/ profession without voting right and is decided by the EC and
subsequently ratified by the General Body (GB).
5.3 Patron Member
Patron Member is an invitee member without voting right and is decided by the EC and
subsequently ratified by the General Body (GB).
6. Admission/ Registration and Subscription
6.1 Life Membership fee from India (Includes Registration) : Rs. 500/-
6.2 Life Membership fee from Abroad (Includes registration) : $ 50/- USD (equivalent)
6.3 Associate Membership (Includes Registration) : Rs 100/-
6.4 No fee for Honorary Members
6.5 The Life Membership fee/ Associate Membership fee is subject to change from time-to-time asdecided by the General Body (GB).
7. Rights and Duties of the Members
Every member shall be entitled to enjoy the benefits in the Association, while discharging their duties in achieving the objectives of the Association. The said member shall be bound by the provisions of Byelaws of the Association.
- The spouse and the minor children of the members are permitted to use the facilities of the Association without any rights.
- A Member shall be liable for loss or damage that is caused to the property of the Association, either by him or by those accompanying him.
- All Members would get a Registration Number and will have full access to alumni website.
- The Members shall be entitled to any other privileges contained in the byelaws without prejudice to the Association
7.1 Disqualification of a Member
The following conditions for a member may disqualify or subjected to expulsion or cessation:
- on death
- becomes of unsound mind
- resigning from the membership
- has been convicted
- working against the interest of the aims and objectives of the Association
- directly or indirectly knowingly cause loss or damage to the Association or its property
The above dismissal cases can be recommended by the EC to the GB who is authority to Implement the same.
8. Re-admission on expulsion or cessation
The General Body of the Association on receipt of the request duly enclosing the application for readmission along with the Admission/Registration/Subscription fee existing at that time from the Alumni whose membership was cancelled on expulsion may be granted/ given re-admission.
9. Executive Council (EC) and Functions
All the members shall function under the umbrella organization “Association”, which shall be a policy making and governing body i.e. the Executive Council comprising of representatives of the members and shall be in-charge of the activities of “The Association”.
i) The management and administration of the “Association” rests with EC, which shall be headedby a President.
ii) There shall be a General Secretary, who shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the “Association”
9.1 The composition of Executive Council
i) President
ii) Vice-presidents (Two Numbers: One nomination by the Principal/ Director)
iii) General Secretary
iv) Joint Secretaries (Two Numbers: One nomination by the Principal/ Director )
v) Treasurer
vi) Six Executive Members from each Program
vii) Chief Patron (Secretary/ Correspondent from VCET)
viii) Patron members (Three Numbers: Principal/ Director and Two Nominated by EC)
ix) Immediate past President of the Association
x) Honorary Members
9.2 Functions of the Executive Council and Office Bearers
9.2.1 The Executive Council to function to meet the objectives of the Association and is responsible to carry all the activities in the name of the Association except that those are specifically assigned to the General Body: the main functions are as follows:
i) Issue circulars to convey meetings, regulate the affairs of the Association.
ii) Scrutinize and put up the annual budget to the General Body.
iii) Submit the annual report and the statement of accounts to the general body.
iv) Prescribe or regulate from time to time the members of the sub-committee.
v) Receive monies, raise or otherwise procure monies for the purpose of the Association.
vi) Make arrangements for the efficient supervision of the employees of the Association.
vii) Appoint, suspend, remove or dismiss or otherwise deal with the employees of the Association in accordance with service rules and code of conduct.
viii) Arrange to maintain such accounts and registers
x) Transact all other activates incidental to the administration of the Association.
xi) Fix the amount and nature of activity, if any, to be given by the office establishment.
xii) Authorize General Secretary/ Treasurer of the Association to issue receipts for the amounts paid by the members of the Association.
xiii) The EC may authorize expenditure up to the approved budget amount decided in a General Body meeting.
xiv) Major decisions on policy matters and/or decisions on issues involving conflicting interests of groups of members shall be referred to the General Body.
xv) The EC may co-pt members for specific purposes and assign specific responsibilities to them as and when required.
xvi) The EC may assign any additional responsibilities to the members for drafting “OperatingManuals” depending upon the requirements from time-to-time and assign responsibility ofexecution.
9.2.2 Place
The Executive Committee carries its activities from the registered office in general and it may also hold its meetings and carry its activates from any other convenient place as may be required.
9.2.3 Notice
To hold a meeting by the EC normally a minimum of seven (7) days advance notice and to hold any emergency meeting a minimum of three (3) days notice to its members.
9.3 Office Bearers
9.3.1 Patrons
Senior/ Retired teachers of VCET shall be Invitee members without the voting right; as decided by the EC and subsequently ratified by the GB. They shall play advisory roles in all matters of The Association.
9.3.2 President
The President shall be the Chief Executive of the Association. He/ She shall be elected by the GB. He/ She shall be ultimately responsible for the working of the Association.
i) The President shall preside over all the meetings of the Association.
ii) He/ She shall set the stage, moderate, all the discussions and deliberations of the EC in accordance with the letter and spirit of The Association Bye- Laws.
iii) He shall provide the leadership to the EC by outlining the Vision and Goals for each year.
iv) He/ She shall assign and authorize the EC members to undertake specific tasks and hold them responsible for results.
v) He/ She shall take the lead role in contacting and interfacing with OUCT and OU officials in matters of University policies, clearances, and approvals.
vi) He/ She shall lead the “New Membership” drive with yearly goals and responsibilities.
- He/ She shall outline and launch the external partnerships with Academia, Industry and other relevant Government/Research Organizations.
- viii) He/ She shall have the casting vote in case of tie on any matter referred to voting by members of the EC.
9.3.3 Vice-President
One Vice-President shall be elected by the General Body. One Vice-President will be nominated by the Principal/ Director, VCET and also He/ She should be a permanent member of the Association and teaching Faculty of VCET. One of the Vice-Presidents shall act on behalf of the President in his absence and shall exercise all the powers of the President. He/ She shall be nominated either by the President or EC.
9.3.4 General Secretary
The General Secretary shall be elected by the GB. He/ She shall be in-charge of the day-to-day activities of The Association. The General Secretary is the convener of all meetings. He/ She shall maintain up to date records relating to
- Membership of the Association;
- Proceedings of the Executive council and the General Body;
- Assets & Properties of the Association;
- Correspondence with Members and others concerned;
- Implementation of the policy decisions of the EC by coordinating with the Members etc.
- He/ She shall prepare the agenda for the meetings of the EC and the General Body in consultation with the President and convene the meetings in view of the stipulated regulations.
- He/ She shall keep minutes of all meetings of the EC and the General Body and circulate the same to the concerned members.
- He/ She shall submit a report on the activities at all such meetings and annual report shall be presented by him during the General Body Meeting.
- He/ She shall place all those resolutions of the EC (subject to ratification by the General Body) before the General Body for approval on behalf of the EC.
- He/ She shall authorize the Joint Secretary and others members of the EC to undertake any specified work/ responsibility on his behalf relating to routine functions.
- He/ She shall implement or execute the decisions of the General Body and EC.
- He/ She shall be custodian of all the Records, Assets and Properties of the Association.
9.3.5 Joint Secretary
One Joint Secretary shall be elected by the General Body. One Joint Secretary will be nominated by the Principal/ Director, VCET and also He/ She should be a permanent member of the Association and teaching Faculty of VCET. One of the Joint Secretaries shall act on behalf of the General Secretary in his absence and shall perform all the duties of the General Secretary. He/ She shall be nominated either by President/or EC.
- He/ She also has to do the work entrusted to him by the EC.
- The Joint Secretary shall carry out any time-bound tasks allotted by the General Secretary like organizing annual Meets/ conventions of The Association and/ or conducting any major seminars/ celebrations on behalf of the Association/ making Minutes of Meetings.
9.3.6 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be elected by the general body. He/ She shall be in-charge of the accounts and book-keeping work of The Association. The Treasurer shall keep the records of funds and accounts.
i) He/ She shall operate the bank account of The Association, jointly with the General Secretary and/ or President.
ii) He/ She shall be responsible for the book keeping activity, submitting the records to the Auditor appointed by the General Body for auditing purposes and shall offer proper explanation to the queries raised by the auditors.
iii) He/ She shall arrange present the audited reports of the Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Statements and place them before the general Body for getting the yearly accounts passed.
iv) He/ She is authorized to maintain accounts from time-to-time and keep a record of the same.
9.3.7 Executive Committee Members
Six Members shall be elected by the General Body. They are part of Executive Council. They are responsible to attend such activities of the Association, which the EC entrusts to them.
9.3.8 Election Committee (ECom)
EC shall appoint the Election Committee (ECom) consisting of one Returning Officer and one Member. The tenure of the ECom shall be three (3) years. Each member of ECom can serve after the period of three (3) with the approval of EC.
This committee is responsible to conduct elections for the Executive Council in terms of the byelaws
10. Elections, duration of Office & Operations
10.1 Elections
Elections will be conducted once in every three (3) years to elect the Executive Council. The General Body shall decide the conduct and methodology of elections from time-to-time, within the provisions of the bylaws of the Association and entrusts the responsibility to Election Committee.
10.2 Eligibility
Any member except the Associate, Honorary Members and Patron Members can participate in the elections. The Member can contest/ apply to any post provided if he/ she was not elected for the post of President for two consecutive terms. The eligible members shall file their nominations as per the schedule given by the Election Committee which are called at least 30 days in advance before General Body meeting, whenever elections are due and the results of the elections shall be formally announced and recognized at the General Body meeting. Under emergency circumstances the Election Committee can call for election anytime by giving 14 days clear advance notice.
10.3 Duration of Office
The tenure of the EC shall be a fixed term of three (3) years and is bound to appoint the ECom to conduct the Elections before the Annual General Body Meeting before the completion of the term of EC.
10.4 Operations
To ensure smooth functioning of the Association activities the Executive Committee shall carry its operations as specified below:
- Every regular member of the EC shall have one vote each
- There shall be at least 4 meetings of the EC in a calendar year preferably one meeting every quarter
- All resolutions of the Association shall be passed by a majority vote
- In the event of a tie, the President may exercise casting his vote
- The EC can co-opt in members without voting rights
- The Executive Council shall formulate and carry out the general policy and activities of the Association as per the aims, objectives, and mission of the Association
- If an Office Bearer’s or Executive committee (EC) member’s position falls vacant due to any reason, then the EC is authorized to fill the vacancy for the remaining period
- The Office Bearer’s or EC member’s position shall be considered vacant, if He/ She shall become inactive by not attending three (3) consecutive scheduled EC meetings without written communication
11. Referendum, Recall and Impeachment
The elected office bearer shall discharge his/ her duties to meet the objectives of the Association with utmost care and transparency. If any act of the office bearer/s is proved to be against the interest of the Association and or not acted in good faith, by referendum may be recalled from the office and impeach him/ her from any post of the Executive Council.
11.1 The members of the Association by Referendum may establish the official position of the Executive Council on any matter of interest and concern, and within the limits of the byelaws may so direct it to advance that position. A referendum may be initiated by:
i) A majority vote of the Executive Council
ii) Petitions bearing signatures of at least forty (40) members of the association
11.2 A referendum election shall be called by the EC within three weeks of its initiation. Proposals in the referendum will come into effect if it is approved by a majority vote of the members of the Association who choose to cast ballots for that referendum. The quorum for such a vote shall constitute minimum of forty (40) members or one-third (1/3) of members whichever is less.
11.3 If an impeachment proceeding against a member fails, no further impeachment proceedingsagainst that member will be entertained for a period of six (6) months following the failure of the impeachment proceedings.
11.4 Impeachment proceedings against the President will be handled by the Vice-President following the procedure prescribed.
12. Kind of bodies of the Association, functions, and Quorum
12.1 General Body (GB)
i) All the registered members of the Association.
ii) The General Body shall meet at least once in a year
12.2 Powers and Functions of the General Body (GB)
The General Body shall have over riding powers on all matters of The Association and is the Supreme Authority. However normally it exercises its power in discharging its main functions that those are specified as below
- It approves registration/ award Honorary Membership and Patron Membership to anyperson.
- The General Body will elect the New Executive Council for every two years.
- Review and ratifies the Annual Activity Report (April - March) submitted by the Executive Council for preceding year and provides an outline/ plan of action for the following year.
- Considering the deliberations by the Executive Committee approve and pass the budget for the ensuing year.
- It shall appoint Auditor(s), review and approve the annual accounts (April-March) for the previous year of the Association.
- GB has right to discuss any issue related to the Association and will be taken up in the agenda of the meeting and or proposed by majority of members at the time of meeting.
12.3 Meetings of the General Body (GB)
12.3.1 Place
The place of the meeting is generally VCET and the EC can decide any other location if the situation demands.
12.3.2 Scope
It has got a right to discuss any issue related to the Association and is taken up in the agenda ofthe meeting and or proposed by majority of members at the time of meeting with the permissionof the Chair.
12.3.3 Time
Normally AGM will be conducted every year during the month of December or on any date it deems fit.
12.3.4 Notice
The Annual General Body shall be convened after giving 21 days clear notice of the proposed meeting to be held in advance with the agenda for the meeting.
12.3.5 An Extra Ordinary General Body Meeting (EGB)
EGB may be called by the President if majority of the EC members approves or by any thirty (30) members of the Association submitting a petition bearing their signatures to the President forany issue concerning the Association. This shall be done under the byelaws.
12.3.6 The Quorum
The quorum for the General Body Meeting shall be minimum of one-third (1/3) members of the Association. The President will conduct the meeting as the Chairman and in his absence the VicePresident chairs the Annual General body Meeting and if he is also not present the majority of the attended members will nominate the Chairman to conduct the proceedings of such meeting.
12.3.7 For any meeting if there is no quorum the Chairman may adjourn the meeting for half an hour and there after even if there is no minimum required quorum can conduct the meeting with theavailable members.
12.3.8 The Chairman shall be allowed to exercise casting vote as a second vote whenever there is a tie of votes in any issue.
12.4 Executive Council (EC)
12.4.1 The Executive Council (EC) shall meet at least once in a quarter (three months) in the year.
12.4.2 The quorum for EC shall be Seven (7) EC office bearers and executive members of which at leasttwo shall be office bearers.
12.4.3 The permanent invitees to the EC meetings without voting rights are Patron Members, Honorary Members.
12.5 Notice for Meetings
12.5.1 At least clear twenty-one (21) days’ notice shall be given for general body meetings while or an extraordinary general body meeting, there shall be fourteen (14) days’ notice.
12.5.2 At least seven (7) days’ notice shall be given for an EC meeting and in case of emergencies; the president can call a meeting with three (3) days’ notice.
12.5.3 An agenda shall be notified for all such meetings by e-mail or electronic messages to the registered addresses and or Mobile Phone Numbers and through the website.
12.6 Alumni Meets
The Alumni meets shall be organized at least once in a year.
13. Assets and Funds
The Association can hold monies, deposits, movable and immovable assets, patents, royalties by acquiring the same while discharging its objectives and by way of gifts or otherwise. The Association get income to meet its objectives mainly from the following:
13.1 Sources
i) Life membership fee collected from all graduating batches prior to 2018, if any.
ii) Donations, gifts, contributions, and other subscriptions received by The Association from aThird party including those from alumni.
iii) Revenue from Advertisements in periodicals, occasional publications, sponsorship etc.
iv) Technical seminars, symposia, industrial exhibitions, etc.
v) Interest earnings from deposits.
vi) Income from the Association properties, both movable and immovable
13.2 Funds Management
The Executive Council shall manage the funds as per the annual budget submitted by the Executive Council before the General Body. The fund management shall be as follows:
i) Life Membership fee collected would be credited to the Association Account maintained in a Scheduled/ Nationalized Bank only. The interest earned if any from this account and Fixeddeposits/Corpus fund can be used for regular expenditure.
ii) Funds raised by the Association can be invested in Scheduled/ Nationalized Bank only.
iii) To use any part of the Corpus Fund, GB approval is required.
iv) All the amounts/ receivables should be by way of crossed cheque/ electronic transfer or by aninstrument through the bank.
v) In no circumstances shall receive or make payment for more than Rs. 10,000/- in cash.
vi) The cash receipts if any shall be deposited in the bank on or before the end of the verynext working day of the bank.
Vii Any expenditure in connection to development (including infrastructure) shall be obtained bythePresident or by the Secretary/Office bearers Either by the Secretary/ Ex-post sanctionfrom the Council which shall be ratified in the General Body meeting
viii) Submission of Audited Report and Annual Accounts to the General Body Meetingscheduled for approval shall invariably be the First item on the agenda.
ix) All funds shall be operated through a bank account with joint signatures of treasurer andGeneral Secretary and/or President. In the absence of Treasurer due to exigency, the EC cannominate one of the elected Executive members to perform the duty of Treasurer till Hereports to the EC.
x) The funds if any of the Association shall be invested in the forms and modes specified in the Income Tax Act or any other Act or Regulation applicable or concerning Charitable Trust.
13.3 Accessing Accounts
Every member shall have access to the accounts of the Association provided he serves notice in writing at least one month in advance about his intention to examine the books of accounts. If
any deviations are found, the same may be brought to the notice of the Executive Council.
13.4 Appointment of Auditor & Accounting Year
The General Body shall appoint a third-party auditor to audit the accounts and the audited accounts shall be placed before the General Body for approval. The fee for the auditor shall be approved by General Body. The financial year of the Association for the purpose of accounts shall be from 1st April of every year to the 31st March of the following year.
14. Official Correspondence
All correspondence on behalf of the Association shall be made by the General Secretary in consultation with the President of the Association.
15. Amendments
The Byelaws may be modified in order to improve the effective functioning and management of the organization so as to meet the objectives and to meet the legal changes from time to time.
15.1 Byelaws shall be amended or repealed by a vote of the General Body in Annual General Body Meeting or Special or Extraordinary General Body Meeting.
15.2 No Amendments or alterations shall be made in the Byelaws of The Association unless they are voted by two-third (2/3) majority of the members or twenty (20) members present whichever is less.
15.3 The approved Amendments shall come into effect only after recognition by the General Body (GB).
16. Books, Records and Accounts of the Association
All the details of the members, books of accounts and minutes books and all the records pertains to the Society/ Association shall be kept in the registered office in the custody of the Secretary. They shall be made available to the members on all working hours, and they may be permitted to verify the same for a reasonable cause.
17. Disputes and Resolution
As far as possible, all the disputes are to be resolved amicably with mutual faith and trust, in face-to-face discussions / interactions.
17.1 Any dispute between the members of the EC should be referred to the President to constitute aRe-dressal Committee.
17.2 In certain cases wherever necessary the disputes may be referred to a “Re-dressal Committee” that may be appointed by the EC by comprising of the President or Vice President and one office bearer and two Executive Members and one of the Election Committee members and the recommendations of the re-dressal committee shall be binding on all the parties concerned.
17.3 If any member is not satisfied with decision of such committee may appeal to the General Body.
18. Act and Applicability
18.1 By signing the membership form and / registration as a member of the Association it is deemedthat he / she has accepted all the Byelaws in force as may be amended from time to time.
If anyByelaw is found to be not clear or requires further clarity shall be drawn from the statutoryprovisions as applicable from time which is binding on all.
18.2 Due to any change of law in relevant statutory provisions which makes any part of the byelaws areaffected and or unenforceable will not nullify the other provisions. To remove any ambiguity that may arise the relevant statutory provisions shall be applied.
19. Winding Up
The General Body may decide to wind up the Association that it is not in a position work to discharge its objectives or if the members do not take interest and actively participate in the activities of the Association and/or the strength of the membership is falling below the minimum number or in case of any such genuine reason.
In case, the Association has to be wound up, the properties and funds of the Association shall be transferred to any other Association with similar objectives that are vested with the Principal, JNTUH and recognized by the Income Tax Authorities under the provisions of Income Tax Act.
- The End of the Bye Laws –
ALUMNI CONTACT: Dr. D Ramesh, Principal, VCET.
About cell
Alumni Cell, the single point of contact between Alumni & Institute, offers our alumni a host of services that helps them keep in touch with their batch mates and keep them updated on campus happenings.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Coordinator
- Suggest to committee members to design web page for alumni cell.
- Instruct the committee members to establishes alumni chapters.
- To establish the network every year with alumni.
- To organize the alumni, meet every year in our college premises.
- Adopt the Alumni Association core values of excellence, lifelong relationships, lifelong learning, Advocacy.
- Participate faithfully and consistently in Alumni Council meetings and functions, regional alumni chapter Events and other Institute functions.
b. Faculty member
â™ To design web page for alumni cell.
â™ To take necessary action to establish alumni chapters and to conduct various programs.
â™ To creating the network to establish alumni chapter.
â™ To conduct the alumni meet every year in our college premises to make the program grand success.
â™ Development and implementation of a telephonic and online follow-up and support program for college alumni.
â™ Develop communication plan to contact alumni post-treatment; maintain alumni database including family contacts; implement and summarize alumni survey.
c. Student member
â™ Support the coordinator and faculty for developing web page.
â™ Support the coordinator and faculty for establish alumni chapters and to conduct various programs.
â™ Support the coordinator and faculty for creating the network to establish alumni chapter.
â™ Support the coordinator and faculty for conducting the alumni meeting and develop the good relationship for carrier guidance.
â™ To support faculty members and make the students to attend the program for their growth and development.
â™ They promote the institute to potential students.
Facilities of the cell
The following are facilities provided by Alumni Coordination Cell
- Alumni Coordination Cell room with high-speed internet connection.
2. Conference hall for conducting alumni meets.
3. Registered body for Alumni Association.
4. Online registrations available for alumni to join the VCET Alumni network.
5. Data Base of students having contact numbers and email addresses.
Functions of the cell
FO1: Provide a platform for the alumni to connect with each other for the exchange of information, ideas, communicate their accomplishments, interests, and concerns, etc.
FO2: Foster alumni pride and enhance the reputation of the College.
FO3: Take opinions from the Alumni for the betterment of student’s career.
FO4: Enrich the emotional bondage amongst the Students, Alumni and Faculty.
FO5: Extend maximum help to the College in the placements and internships of students in reputed organizations.
FO6: Recognize Alumni for their significant contributions to education.
FO7: Propose and execute special projects: Infrastructure, technical projects, seminars, conferences, etc.
FO8: Institute awards for meritorious students.
FO9: Institute awards for the Alumni for their contribution to the College and the Society.
FO10: To strengthen ties between the Institute and alumni and encourage them to participate in the various cultural and social activities
Alumni Coordination Committee
- One Senior faculty as Coordinator
2. One faculty from each department
3. One 3rd Year students from each department
a. Committee composition
The college has constituted the following committee to assist the committee of Alumni coordination for the smooth conduct as follows.