Courses Offered
PG: M.Tech(CSE) M.Tech (ES), MBA * UG: B.Tech CSE, CSE(AI&ML) ,CSE(DS),CSIT,AIML,CIVIL, EEE, MECH, ECE For Management seats Contact 9502090713,77299 89434,9177427229

Value Creation

Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge was established by the Government of Telangana for enhancing skilling synergy among institutions of Government, Industry & Academia.

Value for Youth

  • Access to Industry relevant skilling modules on technology skills, personal skills and organization skills
  • English Language Skilling
  • Internship Opportunities
  • Mentor Talks
  • Entrepreneurship Development
  • Access to Maker Space Labs
  • Opportunity to participate in placement drives across organizations
  • Online access to e-learning content
  • Industry Projects/Visits
  • Access to MOOCs
  • Finishing School for Unemployed Youth
  • Career Development Workshops

Value for Colleges

  • Partnership with Reputed Technology Organizations for skilling programs
  • Subsidized rates for Technical Certifications
  • Faculty Development Programs
  • Hosting Skilling Initiatives on their campus

Value for Corporates

  • A forum for Industry and Academia connect
  • Access to a pool of trained graduates for internships and placements
  • Provision to customize courses/learning content for a specific technology/skill area prior to placement drives
  • Captive audience to proliferate their technology/brand
  • Forum to connect with the government and share inputs for the overall development of the state
  • Enabling Recognition for Prior Learning Certification through Sector Skill Councils