Almost all Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical systems are now controlled by a controller, which is embedded as a part of the complete system. Such a system is called an Embedded System. Examples are tele-communication systems, chemical-processing plants, transportation systems such as aircrafts and automobiles, bio-medical instruments and home appliances like microwave ovens and washing machines. The characteristics of embedded systems are that they are designed to do some specific tasks often in real time satisfying certain performance requirements. It is achieved through the controllers and software called firmware stored in read only memory of the controller.
The vast majority of control systems built today are embedded, that is, they rely on builtin, special-purpose microcontrollers (digital computers) to close their feedback loops. Some systems may contain large number of controllers. In such settings, controllers often use shared networks to communicate with each other and with large numbers of sensors and actuators scattered throughout the system. The design of embedded controllers and the intricate, automated communication networks that support them raises many new problems- theoretical and practical about network protocols, compatibility of operating systems, and ways to maximize the effectiveness of the embedded hardware. This course will address many such questions and aspects of embedded and networked control.
S.No | Programme | Branch | Total Seats |
1 |
PG |
18 |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation | Qualification | JNTUH_ID | Experience(Years) | Photo |
01 | Dr H RAGHUPATHI | Professor. | M.Tech.,Ph.D | 66150503-144700 | 11 | |
02 | Mrs B.SANTHOSHI | Assoc. Prof. | M.Tech | 2059-170131-004358 | 06 | |
03 | Ms K AKSHARA REDDY | Asst. Prof. | M.Tech | 3698-170520-162205 | 06 | |
04 | Ms T SWETHA | Asst. Prof. | M.Tech | 3458-231017-103823 | 01 |