S.No | Year/Sem | Course Name | Course Outcomes |
1 | II-I | ANALOG AND DIGITAL ELECTRONICS | CO1: Know the characteristics of various components. |
CO2:Under stand the utilization of components. |
CO3: Design and analyze small signal amplifier circuits. |
CO4:Learn Postulates of Boolean algebra and to minimize combinational functions |
CO5: Design and analyze combinational and sequential circuits |
2 | II-I | DATA STRUCTURES | CO1: Ability to select the data structures that efficiently model the information in a problem. |
CO2: Ability to assess efficiency trade-offs among different data structure implementations or combinations. |
CO3: Implement and know the application of algorithms for sorting and pattern matching. |
CO4: Design programs using a variety of data structures, including hash tables, binary and general tree structures, search trees, tries, heaps, graphs, and AVL-trees. |
3 | II-I | COMPUTER ORIENTED STATISTIACAL METHODS | CO1:Understand the concepts of probability and distributions to some case studies. |
CO2. Evaluate Mathematical Expectation and Discrete Probability Distributions.  |
CO3. Apply Continuous Normal Distribution and Fundamental Sampling Distributions.  |
CO4. Analyze testing hypothesis of Sample Mean and Sample Proportion.  |
CO5 Understand the concept of Stochastic Processes and Markov Chains |
4 | II-I | COMPUTER ORGANISATION AND ARCHITECTURE | CO1:Understand the basics of instruction sets and their impact on processor design. |
CO2:Demonstrate an understanding of the design of the functional units of a digital computer system. |
CO3:Evaluate cost performance and design trade-offs in designing and constructing a computer processor including memory. |
CO4:Design a pipeline for consistent execution of instructions with minimum hazards. |
CO5:Recognize and manipulate representations of numbers stored in digital computers |
5 | II-I | OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ | CO1:Introduces Object Oriented Programming concepts using the C++ language. |
CO2:Understanding the principles of data abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. |
CO3:Apply the principles of virtual functions and polymorphism. |
CO4:Design a pipeline for consistent execution of instructions with minimum hazards. |
CO5:Evaluate the I/O Introduces exception handling. |
6 | II-I | ANALOG AND DIGITAL ELECTRONICS LAB | CO1: Know the characteristics of variouscomponents. |
CO2:Understandtheutilizationofcomponents. |
CO3: Design and analyze small signal amplifiercircuits. |
CO4:PostulatesofBooleanalgebraandtominimizecombinationalfunctions |
CO5: Design and analyze combinational andsequential circuits |
7 | II-I | DATA STRUCTURES LAB | CO 1: Understand the concept of data structures, python and apply algorithm for solving problems like Sorting, searching, insertion and deletion of data. |
CO 2: Understand linear data structures for processing of ordered or unordered data. |
CO 3: Explore various operations on dynamic data structures like single linked list, circular linked list and doubly linked list. |
CO 4: Explore the concept of non linear data structures such as trees and graphs. |
CO 5: Understand the binary search trees, hash function, and concepts of collision and its resolution methods. |
8 | II-I | IT WORKSHOP LAB | CO1:IdentifyvarioushardwarecomponentsofaSystem. |
CO2:Assemblethecomputer. |
CO3:UsevariousMicrosofttools |
9 | II-I | C++ PROGRAMMING LAB | CO1:Apply C++ Features to program design and development |
CO2:Explain object-oriented concepts and describe how they are supported by C++. |
CO3:Use C++ to demonstrate practical experience in developing object-oriented solutions. |
CO4:Analyze a problem description and design and build object-oriented software using good coding practice and technique. |
CO5:Use common software patterns in object-oriented designed recognizes their applicability to other software development contexts. |
10 | II-I | GENDER SENSITIZATION LAB | CO1: Students will have developed a betterunderstanding of important issues related togender in contemporaryIndia. |
CO2: Students will be sensitized to basicdimensions of the biological, sociological,psychological and legal aspects of gender.This will be achieved through discussion ofmaterials derived from research, facts,everydaylife,literatureandfilm. |
CO3: Students will attain a finer grasp of howgenderdiscriminationworksinoursocietyand howtocounter it. |
CO4: Students will acquire insight into thegendereddivisionoflabouranditsrelationtopoliticsandeconomics. |
CO5: Men and women students and professionalswill be better equipped to work and livetogether asequals |
11 | II-II | DISCRETE MATHMATICS | CO1:Ability to understand and construct precise mathematical proofs. |
CO2:Ability to use logic and set theory to formulate precise statements. |
CO3:Ability to analyze and solve counting problems on finite and discrete structures |
CO4:Ability to describe and manipulate sequences. |
CO5:Ability to apply graph theory in solving computing problems. |
12 | II-II | BUSINESS ECONOMICS &FINANCIAL ANALYSIS | CO 1: Understand microeconomic factors in related to demand analysis and its forecasting |
CO 2: Apply the theory of production function and Cost concepts to determine the Break Even Analysis. |
CO 3: Remember different market structures, pricing strategies and different forms business organization |
CO 4: Determine the investment decisions of organizations by applying capital budgeting methods and Strategies |
CO 5: Interpret the financial statement by using Fundamental accounting concepts and Ratio analysis |
13 | II-II | OPERATING SYSTEM | CO1: Will be able to control access to a computerand thefilesthatmaybeshared. |
CO2: Demonstrate the knowledge of thecomponentsofcomputerandtheirrespectiverolesin computing. |
CO3:Abilitytorecognizeandresolveuserproblems with standard operatingenvironments. |
CO4: Gain practical knowledge of howprogramminglanguages,operatingsystems,andarchitecturesinteractand how touse |
eacheffectively. |
14 | II-II | DATABASR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM | CO1:Identify the basic elements of a relational database management system |
CO2:Examine the data models and apply to solve the relevant problems associated with it |
CO3:Design entity relationship model and convert entity relationship diagrams into RDBMS and formulate SQL queries on the data. |
CO4:Correlate normalization for the development of application software and the use of SQL for database creation and maintenance. |
CO5:Compare different storage structures. |
15 | II-II | JAVA PROGRAMMING | CO1:Able to solve real world problems using OOP techniques. |
CO2:Able to solve problems using java collection framework and I/o classes. |
CO3:Able to develop multithreaded applications with synchronization. |
CO4:Able to develop applets for web applications. |
CO5:Able to design GUI based applications. |
16 | II-II | OPERATING SYSTEM LAB | CO1: Simulate and implement operating systemconcepts such as scheduling, deadlockmanagement, file management and memorymanagement. |
CO2:Ableto implementCprogramsusingUnix |
systemcalls |
17 | II-II | DATABASR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LAB | CO1:Identify the basic elements of a relational database management system |
CO2:Acquire skills in using SQL commands for data definition and data manipulation. |
CO3:Design entity relationship model and convert entity relationship diagrams into RDBMS and formulate SQL queries on the data. |
CO4:Design database schema for a given application and apply normalization |
CO5:Develop solutions for database applications Using procedures, cursors and triggers |
18 | II-II | JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB | CO1:Students will demonstrate the ability to summarize the strengths and weaknesses of Java programming and the basic concepts of object oriented programming |
CO2:Able to write programs for solving real world problems using java collection frame work. |
CO3:Able to write programs using abstract classes. |
CO4:Able to write multithreaded programs |
CO5:Able to write GUI programs using swing controls in Java |
19 | II-II | CONSTITUTION OF INDIA | CO1:Historical perspective of the Constitution of India |
CO2:Scheme of the fundamental rights |
CO3:Amendment of the Constitutional Powers and Procedure |
CO4:Local Self Government – Constitutional Scheme in India |
CO5:Scope of the Right to Life and Personal Liberty under Article 21 |
20 | III-I | FORMAL LANGUAGEÂ & AUTOMATA THEORY | CO1:Able to understand the concept of abstract machines and their power to recognize the languages |
CO2:Able to employ finite state machines for modeling and solving computing problems. |
CO3:Able to design context free grammars for formal languages. |
CO4:Able to distinguish between decidability and undecidability. |
CO5:Able to gain proficiency with mathematical tools and formal methods. |
21 | III-I | SOFTWARE ENGINEERING | CO1:Students will be able to decompose the given project in various phases of a life cycle. |
CO2:Students will be able to choose appropriate process model depending on the user requirements. |
CO3:Students will be able perform various life cycle activities like Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. |
CO4:Students will be able to know various processes used in all the phases of the product. |
CO5:Students can apply the knowledge, techniques, and skills in the development of a software product. |
21 | III-I | COMPUTER NETWORKS | CO1:Gain the knowledge of the basic computer network technology and Gain the knowledge of the functions of each layer in the OSI and TCP/IP reference model. |
CO2:Familiarize with the Transmission Media, Flow Control and Error Detection & Correction. |
CO3:Understand fundamental concepts in Routing, Addressing & working of Transport Protocols. |
CO4:Gain familiarity with common networking & Application Protocols. |
CO5:Understand Wireless LANs & Wireless Sensor Networks Operation. |
22 | III-I | WEB TECHNOLOGIES | CO1:gain knowledge of client-side scripting, validation of forms and AJAX programming |
CO2:understand server-side scripting with PHP language |
CO3:understand what is XML and how to parse and use XML Data with Java |
CO4:To introduce Server-side programming with Java Servlets |
CO5:To introduce Server-side programming with Java Server Page |
III-I | DATA ANALYTICS | CO1:Understand the impact of data analytics for business decisions and strategy |
CO2:Carry out data analysis/statistical analysis. |
CO3:To carry out standard data visualization and formal inference procedures. |
C04:Design Data Architecture. |
CO5:Understand various Data Sources. |
24 | III-I | DISTRIBUTED DATABASES | CO1:Understand distributed database systems architecture and design |
CO2:Be able to apply methods and techniques for distributed quey processing and optimization |
CO3:Understand the broad concepts of distributed transaction process |
CO4:Understand the basic concepts of Data warehousing and OLAP technology |
CO5:Be able to apply methods and techniques for association analysis, data classification and clustering |
25 | III-I | SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LAB | CO1:Understand and Describe basic concept of UML, design, implementation of test cases and OOP concepts using java |
CO2:Discuss and Analyses how to develop software requirements specifications for a given problem. |
CO3:Explain and build DFD models |
CO4:Understand and develop various structure and behavior UML diagrams. |
CO5:Explain the knowledge of project management tool Demonstrate how to manage file using Project Libre project management tool. |
26 | III-I | COMPUTER NETWORKS & WEB TECHNOLOGIES LAB | CO1:Implement data link layer farming methods. |
CO2:Analyze error detection and error correction codes. |
CO3:mplement and analyze routing and congestion issues in network design. |
CO4:Implement Encoding and Decoding techniques used in presentation layer. |
CO5:To be able to work with different network tools. |
CO1:Develop web pages using HTML |
CO2:Develop web pages using HTML,DHTML and cascading styleshets. |
CO3:Develop a dynamic web pages using JavaScript (client side programming). |
CO4:Build and consume web services. |
CO5:Develop a Program using servlets and jsp |
27 | III-I | ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB | CO1:ToimprovefluencyinEnglishthroughawelldeveloped vocabulary and enable them tolisten at normal conservational speed byeducated English speakers and respondappropriately in different socio cultural andprofessional context. |
CO2: Further, they would be required tocommunicatetheirideasrelevantlyandcoherentlyin writing. |
CO3: To prepare all the students for theirPlacements. |
CO4:Learntoovercomestagefearandmakepresentationswithease |
CO5:Learnhowtopronouncewordsusing the rulestheyhavebeentaught. |
28 | III-I | INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS | CO1: Identify different types of IntellectualProperties (IPs), the right of ownership,scopeofprotectionaswell asthewaystocreateand toextractvaluefrom IP. |
CO2: Recognize the crucial role of IP inorganizationsofdifferentindustrialsectorsfor the purposes of product and technologydevelopment. |
CO3: Identify activities and constitute IPinfringements and the remedies available tothe IP owner and describe the precautioussteps to be taken to prevent infringement ofproprietary rights in products and technologydevelopment |
CO4:BefamiliarwiththeprocessesofIntellectual Property Management (IPM) and variousapproaches for IPM and conducting IP andIPM auditing and explain how IP can bemanagedasastrategicresourceandsuggestIPMstrategy |
CO5:Beableto anticipateandsubjecttocriticalanalysis arguments relating to thedevelopment and reform of intellectualproperty right institutions and their likelyimpactoncreativityand innovation. |
29 | III-II | MACHINE LEARNING | CO1:Understand the concepts of computational intelligence like machine learning. |
CO2:Ability to get the skill to apply machine learning techniques . |
CO3:Machine learning techniques to address the real time problems in different areas. |
CO4:Understand the Neural Networks in machine learning application. |
CO5:Neural Networks usage in machine learning application. |
30 | III-II | COMPILER DESIGN | CO1:Demonstrate the ability to design a compiler given a set of language features |
CO2:Identify  the knowledge of patterns, tokens & regular expressions for lexical analysis. |
CO3:Evaluate  Acquire skills in using lex tool & yacc tool for developing a scanner and parser. Design and implement LL and LR parsers. |
CO4:Develop syntax directed transulation. |
CO5:Analyze  Design algorithms to generate machine code. |
31 | III-II | DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS | CO1:Ability to analyze the performance of algorithms. |
CO2:Ability to choose appropriate algorithm design techniques for solving problems. |
CO3:Ability to understand how the choice of data structures and the algorithm CO4:design methods impact the performance of programs |
32 | III-II | SOFTWARE TESTING METHODOLOGIES | CO1:List a range of different software testing techniques and statergies and be able to apply specific(automated) unit testing method to the projects. |
CO2:Distinguish characterstics of structural testing methods. |
CO3:Demonstrate the integration testing which aims to uncover interaction and compatibility problems as early as possible. |
CO4:Discuss about the functional and system testing methods. |
CO5:Demonstrate various issues for object oriented testing. |
33 | III-II | DISASTER PREPAREDNESS & PLANNING MANAGEMANT | CO1:the application of Disaster Concepts to Management |
CO2:Analyzing Relationship between Development and Disasters. |
CO3:Ability to understand Categories of Disasters |
CO4:realization of the responsibilities to society |
34 | III-II | MACHINE LEARNING LAB | CO1:Understand complexity of Machine Learning algorithms |
CO2:Machine Learning algorithms limitations. |
CO3:Understand modern notions in data analysis-oriented computing. |
CO4:Be capable of confidently applying common Machine Learning algorithms in practice and implementing their own. |
CO5:Be capable of performing experiments in Machine Learning using real-world data. |
35 | III-II | COMPILER DESIGN LAB | CO1:Design and develop interactive and dynamic web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML |
CO2:Apply client-server principles to develop scalable and enterprise web applications. |
CO3:Ability to design, develop, and implement a compiler for any language. |
CO4:Able to use lex and yacc tools for developing a scanner and a parser |
CO5:Able to design and implement LL and LR parsers. |
36 | III-II | SOFTWARE TESTING METHODOLOGIES LAB | CO1:Understand the concept and need of software testing |
CO2:Understand the need and usage of software tools required for manual and automated testing |
CO3:Design and develop the best test strategies in accordance to the development model. |
CO4:Write and test a program to login a specific web page. |
CO5:A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error. |
37 | III-II | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE | CO1:Gain knowledge about environment and ecosystem. |
CO2:Students will learn about natural resource, its importance and environmental impacts of human activities on natural resource. |
CO3:Gain knowledge about the conservation of biodiversity and its importance. |
CO4:Aware students about problems of environmental pollution, its impact on human and ecosystem and control measures. |
CO5:Students will learn about increase in population growth and its impact on environment |
38 | IV-I | CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY | CO1:Ability to understand basic cryptographic algorithms ,message and web authentication and security issues. |
CO2:Ability to identify information system requirements for both of them suchas client and server. |
CO3:Ability to understand the current legal issues towards information security. |
CO4:Ability to understand about PGP key pair and use the PGP package to send an encrypted email message. |
CO5:Ability to understand Web security and Firewalls |
39 | IV-I | DATA MINING | CO1:Ability to understand the types of the data to be mined and present a general classification of tasks and primitives to integrate a data mining system |
CO2:Apply preprocessing methods for any given raw data. |
CO3:Extract interesting patterns from large amounts of data. |
CO4:Discover the role played by data mining in various fields. |
CO5:Choose and employ suitable data mining algorithms to build analytical applications |
40 | IV-I | CLOUD COMPUTING | CO1:Understand the concepts of computing paradigms |
CO2:Ability to understand the concepts of cloud computing and Deployment Models |
CO3:Ability to understand various service of a network connectivity and managing cloud. |
CO4:Understanding cloud service providers. |
CO5:Understand the concepts of real time applications. |
41 | IV-I | SOFTWARE PROCESS & PROJECT MANAGEMANT | CO1:Gain knowledge of software economic. |
CO2:phases in the life cycle of software development |
CO3: project control and process instrumentation |
CO4:Analyze the major and minor milestones, artifacts and metrics from management and technical perspective |
CO5:Design and develop software product using conventional and modern principles of software project management |
42 | IV-I | POE | CO1:Recognize and explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems |
CO2:Understand key principles of user driven innovation and product development |
CO3:Develop students’ personal, professional and entrepreneurial skills |
43 | IV-I | CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY LAB | CO1:Understand basic cryptographic algorithms, message and web authentication and security issues. |
CO2:Identify information system requirements for both of them such as client and server. |
CO3:Understand the current legal issues towards information security. |
CO4:Understand various cryptographic algorithms. |
CO5:Application of each of confidentiality, integrity, authentication |
44 | IV-I | MINI PROJECT | CO1:To create an Industrial environment and culture within the institution. |
CO2:Understand, plan and execute a Mini Project with team |
CO3:Student is able to test the theoretical learning in practical situations by accomplishing the tasks assigned during the internship period. |
CO4:Prepare a technical report based on the Mini project |
CO5:Deliver seminar based on the Mini Project work carried out |
45 | IV-I | SEMINAR | CO1:Establish motivation for any topic of interest and develop a thought process for technical presentation. |
CO2:Analyze the applicability of modern software tools and technology. |
CO3:Communicate with engineers and the community at large. |
CO4:Develop Presentation and Communication skills. |
CO5:Develop Technical report preparation skills. |
46 | IV-I | PROJECT STAGE-I | CO1:Student can able to Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic. |
CO2:Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution. |
CO3:Able to Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilizing a systems approach. |
CO4:Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms. |
CO5:Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a professional engineer. |
47 | IV-II | ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR | CO1:Recognize and explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems |
CO2:Understand key principles of user driven innovation and product development |
CO3:Develop students’ personal, professional and entrepreneurial skills |
48 | IV-II | EIA | CO1:Identify the environmental attributes to be considered for the EIA study |
CO2:Formulate objectives of the EIA studies |
CO3:Identify the methodology to prepare rapid EIA |
C04: Prepare EIA reports and environmental management plans |
49 | IV-II | DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM | CO1:Define the characterization of Distributed Systems, Theoretical Foundation for Distributed System and Concepts in Message Passing Systems. |
CO2:Understanding Distributed shared memory |
CO3:Analyze the Failure Recovery in Distributed Systems and Fault Tolerance |
CO4:Ability to understand Transactions and Concurrency control. |
CO5:Design the distributed systems. |
50 | IV-II | PROJECT STAGE-II | CO1:Able to identify and formulate research problem |
CO2:Able to design and develop solution to the problem |
CO3:Able to analyze and solve the complex problems |
CO4:Able to plan, implement and execute the project |
CO5:Able to write effective technical report and demonstrate through presentation |